Wednesday, June 4, 2014

the weird feeling

Why do I feel weird when people compliment my look?

Because they are men? I don't think so 'cuz I know there's no gay among my friends.. Pretending like a gay, have some but not these guy.

I think wierd because it wasn't came from girls and I'm not clothing myself with branded- styles -expensive stuff.

Is it a trick?  Cuz I think my other colleague far better from me..soo suspicious. week will be final week for the intern trainee. The pressure suddenly come after me. Not for saying i love you... but.. don't go away please continue!! Cuz I feel soo damn without her even just for one day.. I can't imagine how disaster is it after this. I need her to backup my work and loiter together even-though she's always shadowing my existence in the office.  arghh really can imagine it.

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